
Walter H. Capps Archives Online

This webpage includes books, chapters, and articles written by Walter H. Capps; scholarly appraisals of Capps' work; news articles about him; and files from his archives at the UCSB Library's Special Research Collections. Among the Walter H. Capps papers, we especially highlight materials related to his famous courses on the Vietnam War and "Voices of the Stranger." We also focus on items related to his scholarship, teaching, and public service.

Most sources listed below include hyperlinks to the materials. This page will be updated periodically with additional materials.


Books by Walter H. Capps

Capps, Donald, and Walter H. Capps, eds. The Religious Personality. Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1970.

Capps, Donald, Walter H. Capps, and M. Gerald Bradford, eds. Encounter with Erikson: Historical Interpretation and Religious Biography. Missoula, Mont.: Scholars Press for the American Academy of Religion and the Institute of Religious Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1977.

Capps, Walter H. Ways of Understanding Religion. New York: Macmillan, 1972. 

___. Time Invades the Cathedral: Tension in the School of Hope. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1972.

___. Hope Against Hope: Moltmann to Merton in One Decade. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1976.

___. The Unfinished War: Vietnam and the American Conscience. Boston: Beacon Press, 1982. Second Edition, 1990.

___. The Monastic Impulse. New York: Crossroad, 1983.

___. The New Religious Right: Piety, Patriotism, and Politics. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1990.

___. Religious Studies: The Making of a Discipline. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995.

Capps, Walter H., ed. The Future of Hope. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1970.

___, ed. Seeing with a Native Eye: Essays on Native American Religion. New York: Harper & Row, 1976.

___, ed. Thomas Merton: Preview of the Asian Journey. New York: Crossroad, 1989.

___, ed. The Vietnam Reader. New York: Routledge, 1991.

Capps, Walter H., and Kjell O. Lejon, eds. Anders Nygren's Religious Apriori. Linköping, Sweden: Linköping University Electronic Press, 2000. [Full text]

Capps, Walter H., and Wendy M. Wright, eds. Silent Fire: An Invitation to Western Mysticism. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1978.


Articles, Chapters, and Book Reviews by Walter H. Capps

Capps, Walter H. "Freedom and Method: An Essay in Comparative Theological Analysis." PhD diss., Yale University, 1965. [Preview]

___. "Review of Thomas Aquinas and John Gerhard by Robert Scharlemann." Journal of Ecumenical Studies 2, no. 1 (1965): 100-111.

___. "'Being and Becoming' and 'God and the World': An Analysis of Whitehead's Account of their Early Association." Revue philosophique de Louvain 63 (1965): 572-590.

___. "Two Contrasting Approaches to Christology." The Heythrop Journal 6, no. 2 (1965): 133-144.

___. "Review of The Problem of God in Philosophy of Religion by Henry Dumery." Journal of Religion 46, no. 2 (1966): 307-310.

___. "Harnack and Ecumenical Discussion." Journal of Ecumenical Studies 3, no. 3 (1966): 486-502.

___. "Plurality of Theologies: A Paradigmatic Sketch." Religious Studies 3, no. 1 (1967): 355-367.

___. "Review of Personal Faith by Carlos Cirne-Lima." Journal of Religion 47, no. 4 (1967): 358-361.

___. "The Hope Tendency." CrossCurrents 18, no. 3 (1968): 257-272.

___. "An Assessment of the Theological Side of the School of Hope." CrossCurrents 18, no. 3 (1968): 319-335.

___. "Vertical v. Horizontal Theology: Bloch-Dewart-Irenaeus." Continuum 5, no. 4 (1968): 616-633.

___. "A Via Positiva in Kant." The Journal of Religion 48, no. 4 (1968): 351-375.

___. "The Meaning of Secular, Secularism, and Secularization." Lutheran World 16, no. 3 (1969): 263-270.

___. "Review of The Bounds of Sense by P. F. Strawson." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 29, no. 3 (1969): 470-471.

___. "Review of A Critique of British Empiricism by Fraser Cowley." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 29, no. 4 (1969): 605-606.

___. "Nathan Söderblom: Homo Religiosus?" The Lutheran Quarterly 21, no. 4 (1969): 392-396.

___. "Religion in State University Curricula: Future Theological Reverberations." Lutheran World 17, no. 2 (1970): 167-172.

___. "Motif-Research in Irenaeus, Thomas Aquinas, and Luther." Studio Theologica 25, no. 1 (1971): 133-159.

___. "Review: A Revolution in Theology." The Journal of Religion 51, no. 1 (1971): 67-74.

___. "Segerstedt on We-Feeling: A Refinement of Comfort-Challenge." Acta Sociologica 14, no. 3 (1971): 162-168.

___. "Reflections on Theological Reconstruction." Lutheran Quarterly 24, no. 4 (1972): 387-396.

___. "Religion as Aesthetic Presentation: Current Signs." In Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Aesthetics at Uppsala 1968, edited by Rudolf Zeitler, 605-606. Uppsala, Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1972.

___. "The Formation of Religious Studies." In Teaching Religion to Undergraduates: Some Approaches and Ideas from Teachers to Teachers, edited by Luke T. Johnson, 111-115. New Haven, CT: Society for Religion in Higher Education, 1973.

___. "Geo Widengren on Syncretism: On Parsing Uppsala Methodological Tendencies." Numen 20, fasc. 3 (1973): 163-185.

___. "A New Kind of Person?" The Lutheran Standard, January 15, 1974: 10-11.

___. "On Religious Studies, in Lieu of an Overview." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 42, no. 4 (1974): 727-733.

___. "Responses." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 42, no. 4 (1974): 745-751.

___. "The Future of the Theology of Hope." Interpretation 29, no. 1 (1975): 84-86.

___. "CSR Task Force on Professional Development." Bulletin of the Council on the Study of Religion 6, no. 5 (1975): 11.

___. "First Impressions--and Second Thoughts." Bulletin of the Council on the Study of Religion 8, no. 2 (1977): 37-40. [Alternate PDF version]

___. "Religious Renewal." The Center Magazine 10, no. 2 (1977): 13-19.

___. "Christianity: Actional and Contemplative." In East/West Cultures: Religious Motivations for Behavior: A Colloquium Sponsored by Educational Futures, International, Santa Barbara, California, November 17 to 20, 1977, 99-105. Santa Barbara, CA: Educational Futures, International, 1977.

___. "Humanities at Large." The Center Magazine 11, no. 2 (1978): 2-6.

___. "The War's Transformation." The Center Magazine 11, no. 4 (1978): 18-26. [Part of "The Vietnam War and American Values," with response by Harry S. Ashmore and Discussion.]

___. "Impressions from Wingspread: Religious Studies: The State of the Art." Bulletin of the Council on the Study of Religion 9, no. 2 (1978): 41-42.

___. "The Vocational Crisis: Symptom of a Deeper Illness." Bulletin of the Council on the Study of Religion 9, no. 3 (1978): 65-68.

___. "The Interpretation of New Religion and Religious Studies." In Understanding New Religions, edited by Jacob Needleman and George Baker, 101-105. New York: Seabury Press, 1978.

___. "Commentary." In Science of Religion: Studies in Methodology, edited by Lauri Honko, 177-185. The Hague: Mouton, 1979.

___. "Toward a Christian Theology of the World's Religions." CrossCurrents 29, no. 2 (1979): 156-168, 182. 

___. "Thomas Merton's Legacy." The Center Magazine 12, no. 2 (1979): 2-5. [Other PDF.] Reprinted as "Religion in America: Thomas Merton's Legacy" by the U.S. Information Agency in Dialogue: Quarterly Journal of Opinion and Analysis 12, no. 3 (1979): 26-32.

___. "The Critical Temper." The Center Magazine 12, no. 3 (1979): 5-11.

___. "A World of Broken Pieces." The Center Magazine 12, no. 5 (1979): 49-50. [Part of "The Impact of Vietnam--Part II," organized by Walter H. Capps. See "The Impact of Vietnam--Part I" here.] 

___. "Bullish Aspirations in a Bearish Market: The Job Crisis in Religious Studies." Bulletin of the Council on the Study of Religion 10, no. 5 (1979): 148-150.

___. "A 'Modus Vivendi' on the Health Care Issue." The Center Magazine 13, no. 1 (1980): 33-34.

___. "A Time for Renewal at the Center." The Center Magazine 13, no. 2 (1980): 2-4.

___. [Director's Message.]" The Center Magazine 13, no. 3 (1980): i.

___. "A Look at Christopher Lasch's Look at America." The Center Magazine 13, no. 4 (1980): 24-26.

___. "[Director's Message.]" The Center Magazine 13, no. 5 (1980): i.

___. "John Anderson from Two Vantage Points." Santa Barbara News-Press, October 26, 1980.

___. "Liberalism: The Next Four Years." Santa Barbara News-Press, November 16, 1980.

___. "[Director's Message.]" The Center Magazine 13, no. 6 (1980): i.

___. "[Director's Message.]" The Center Magazine 14, no. 1 (1981): i.

___. "Task of Reconstruction Will Have to Be a Work of Ritual." The Center Magazine 14, no. 4 (1981): 14-15. [Part of "Vietnam--Will There Be a Collective Healing?" organized by Walter H. Capps.]

___. "Weapons Labs, the University and the Governor." Santa Barbara News-Press, July 5, 1981. [See draft version]

___. "Contemporary Socio-Political Change and the Work of Religious Studies." Bulletin of the Council on the Study of Religion 12, no. 4 (1981): 93-95.

___. "Theology as Art Form." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 50, no. 1 (1982): 93-96.

___. "Religion, the Great Teacher." Humanities 4, no. 2 (1983): 1-2.

___. "Review of The Way of the Sacred Tree by Edna Hong." Christian Century 100, no. 33 (Nov. 9, 1983): 1024-1025.

___. "The Politics of Educational Reform." Santa Barbara News-Press, (December 15, 1983?).

___. "The Vietnam War and Current Cultural Memory." Federation Review: The Journal of the State Humanities Councils 7, no. 5 (1984): 6-8.

___. "Religious Studies/Theological Studies: The St. Louis Project." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 52, no. 4 (1984): 727-730.

___. "Review of Take Judaism, for Example by Jacob Neusner." Christian Century 101, no. 29 (Oct. 3, 1984): 908.

___. "School Prayer: An Alternative." Santa Barbara News-Press, (1984-1985?).

___. "On Teaching Today's Students about the Vietnam War." Federation Review: The Journal of the State Humanities Councils 8, no. 3 (1985): 10-13.

___. "We Still Owe a Debt to History on Josef Mengele." Los Angeles Times, June 18, 1985.

___. "On Discussing the Vietnam War with Governor Kerrey." Humanities: A Newsletter of the Nebraska Committee for the Humanities 7, no. 2 (Summer 1985). [See draft version]

___. "Why Humanities Community Is Uneasy Over Proposed Chairman." Los Angeles Times, September 30, 1985. [Capps' letter was introduced by Senator Claiborne Pell to opposed Edward Curran's nomination to become NEH chairman; see here for full hearing and here for relevant part]

___. "A Note on the Rise of the New Religious Right." Dialog 24, no. 4 (1985): 248-251.

___. "Healing from the War." Los Angeles Times, January 5, 1986.

___. "Religious Experience." Santa Barbara Independent, March 18, 1987.

___. "10 Years After, His Questions Apply." Santa Barbara News-Press, May 14, 1987.

___. "A Response to Dr. Strenski." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 55, no. 1 (1987): 125-126.

___. "The Quest for Transcendence." Word & World 7, no. 2 (1987): 125-130. [Text version]

___. "Society and Religion." In The Encyclopedia of Religion, vol. 13, edited by Mircea Eliade, 375-385. New York: MacMillan, 1987.

___. "[Director's Message.]" The Center Magazine 20, no. 5 (1987): iii.

___. "[Director's Message.]" The Center Magazine 20, no. 6 (1987): iii.

___. "Religious Studies and Creative Reflection." Soundings 71, no. 2/3 (1988): 373-379.

___. "Professor Berger's Lament." Dialog 27, no. 2 (1988): 101-104.

___. "Michaelsen's Skills Serve University Well." Santa Barbara News-Press, June 16, 1988. 

___. "Education and Memory: Teaching about the Vietnam War." Improving University Teaching: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference, June 20-23, 1988, Umeå, Sweden (Volume 2: Contributed Papers) (University of Umeå and University of Maryland, College Park, 1988), 169-177.

___. "Students Send Message of Peace." Santa Barbara News-Press, December 25, 1988.

___. "Review of The Acquittal of God: A Theology for Vietnam Veterans by Uwe Siemon-Netto." Lutheran Quarterly 4, no. 4 (1990): 473-475.

___. "Content and Message in Teaching about Religion." Religion & Public Education 18, no. 2 (1991): 223-227.

___. "War Is Not Over Until Enemies Embrace." Santa Barbara Independent, November 7, 1991.

___. "Content and Message in Teaching about Religion." Bulletin of the Council on the Study of Religion 21, no. 3 (1992): 67-68.

___. "Review of The Rise of Selfishness in the United States by James Lincoln Collier." Christian Century 109, no. 13 (Apr. 15, 1992): 411.

___. "Keeping Pace with the Code of Codes: Review of The Code of Codes by Daniel J. Kevles and Leroy Hood." Christian Century 110, no. 11 (Apr. 7, 1993): 373-375. [Gale PDF version]

___. "The Relevance of Grundtvig's Teachings." Church & Life 42, no. 7 (1993): 3-4.

___. "Review of The Revenge of God by Gilles Kepel." Christian Century 111, no. 26 (Sept. 21, 1994): 868. [Gale PDF version]

___. "Review of Seven Theories of Religion by Daniel Pals." Christian Century 113, no. 20 (June 19, 1996): 665. [Gale PDF version]

___. "Lundensian Theology in the United States." Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 72, no. 2 (1996): 59-63.

___. "The Role of Religion in the World Today." In Religion: Global and Arctic Perspectives, edited by Juha Pentikainen, 27-34. University of Tromso: Institute of Social Science, 1996.

___. "The Work of Religious Studies." In Religion: Global and Arctic Perspectives, edited by Juha Pentikainen, 95-100. University of Tromso: Institute of Social Science, 1996.

___. "Religious Authority in an Ecumenical Age and a Pluralistic World." Ecumenical Trends 25, no. 5 (1996): 1-5.

___. "An Excerpt from a Letter to the Editor." Church & Life 45, no. 8 (1996): 12.

___. "Letter to the Editor." Church & Life 45, no. 11 (1996): 12.

___. "Religion and Politics: Finding Normative Factors in Current Discussions." In Religion and the Political Order: Politics in Classical and Contemporary Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, edited by Jacob Neusner, 259-273. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1996. [Draft version]

___. "Religion and Religious Studies Ex Cathedra Uppsala." In The Sum of Our Choices: Essays in Honour of Eric J. Sharpe, edited by Arvind Sharma, 146-153. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1996.

___. "The Dialogue with the 'New Europe': A Two-Way Street." Religion, State & Society 25, no. 1 (1997): 37-40.

___. "Interpreting Vaclav Havel." CrossCurrents 47, no. 3 (1997): 301-316.

___. "Mr. Christian's Seminar." In The Future of Religion: Postmodern Perspectives, edited by Christopher Lamb and Dan Cohn-Sherbok, 218-224. London: Middlesex University Press, 1999.


___. Resume (CV). 1981.

___. Summary of Professional Activities (CV). 1989.


Works about Walter H. Capps

A Memorial and Celebration: Walter H. Capps (1934-1997). Department of Religious Studies, UCSB. November 9, 1997.

Aho, James. "Review of The New Religious Right: Piety, Patriotism, and Politics, by Walter H. Capps." Social Science Quarterly 72, no. 4 (1991): 852-853.

Alles, Gregory D. "Review of Religious Studies: The Making of a Discipline, by Walter H. Capps." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 65, no. 2 (1997): 487-489.

Ammerman, Nancy T. "Review of The New Religious Right: Piety, Patriotism, and Politics, by Walter H. Capps." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 60, no. 1 (1992): 145-147.

Anon. "Recent Arrivals [Review of Hope Against Hope: Moltmann to Merton in One Theological Decade, by Walter H. Capps]." Christian Century 93, no. 27 (Sept. 1, 1976).

Anon. "This Week's Arrivals [Review of Silent Fire: An Invitation to Western Mysticism, by Walter H. Capps and Wendy M. Wright]." Christian Century 96, no. 8 (Mar. 7, 1979).

Anon. "Review of The Unfinished War: Vietnam and the American Conscience, by Walter H. Capps." Indochina Chronology 2, no. 2 (April-June 1983).

Beattie, Keith. The Scar That Binds: American Culture and the Vietnam War. New York: New York University Press, 1998. 14, 39-41, 76, 85-86, 91, 108, 119.

Brummett, Barry. "Review of The New Religious Right: Piety, Patriotism, and Politics, by Walter H. Capps." Presidential Studies Quarterly 22, no. 2 (1992): 407-409.

Burkett, B.G., and Glenna Whitley. Stolen Valor: How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of Its Heroes and Its History, 431-434. Dallas, TX: Verity Press, 1998. [PDF excerpt]

California Council for the Humanities. "The Walter Capps Memorial Lecture." Oakland: California Council for the Humanities, n.d. (2011?).

Capps, Lois. "Panel Presentation by Lois Capps." Unpublished presentation for "Coming Home: Walter Capps' Vietnam Class Reunion," April 26, 2008.

Chidester, David. "Mobility." In Religion: Material Dynamics, 152-165. Oakland: University of California Press, 2018.

Clinton, Bill. "Remarks at a Memorial Service for Representative Walter H. Capps." November 12, 1997. [Hypertext; C-SPAN]

Cooling, B. Franklin. "Trauma of Southeast Asian Conflict Lingers [Review of The Unfinished War]." The Jackson Sun, February 5, 1984.

Cullum, J. W. "Review of Hope Against Hope: Moltmann to Merton in One Theological Decade, by Walter H. Capps." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 45, no. 2 (1977): 253-254.

Dunn, Joe. "The State of the Field: How Vietnam Is Being Taught across the Country." Journal of the Vietnam Veterans Institute 4, no. 1 (1995): 4-15.

Dupré, Louis. "Review of Time Invades the Cathedral: Tensions in the School of Hope, by Walter H. Capps." Journal of Ecumenical Studies 10, no. 2 (1973): 412-413.

Duranti, Alessandro. "The Voice of the Audience in Contemporary American Political Discourse." In Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 2001: Linguistics, Language, and the Real World: Discourse and Beyond, edited by Deborah Tannen and James E. Alatis, 114-134. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2003.

___. "Narrating the Political Self in a Campaign for U.S. Congress." Language in Society 35, no. 4 (2006): 467-497.

___. "Democracy is Born in Conversation: Walter Capps' Campaign for the U.S. Congress." Faculty website. [PDF version]

Ferrell, Claudine. "Review of The Vietnam Reader, by Walter H. Capps." The History Teacher 26, no. 2 (1993): 263-264.

Freeman, Nick. "Review of The Vietnam Reader, by Walter H. Capps." Contemporary Southeast Asia 14, no. 2 (1992): 216-219.

Gray, Donald P. "Process and Cosmic Love: Review of Time Invades the Cathedral: Tensions in the School of Hope, by Walter H. Capps." CrossCurrents 22, no. 4 (1973): 462-463.

Hagopian, Patrick. "Voices from Vietnam: Veterans' Oral Histories in the Classroom." Journal of American History 87, no. 2 (2000): 593-601.

Hecht, Richard. "Walter Capps, the Study of Religion, and the Humanities." Unpublished, n.d. [2008].

Huntsberry, Randy. "Secular Education and Its Religion." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 42, no. 4 (1974): 733-738.

Johnston, Michael. "Review of The New Religious Right: Piety, Patriotism, and Politics, by Walter H. Capps." Journal of Church and State 34, no. 1 (1992): 144-145.

Kachel, A. Theodore. "Review of The Unfinished War: Vietnam and the American Conscience, by Walter H. Capps." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 22, no. 2 (1983): 1996-197.

King, Richard. "Truth or Therapy: Review of Encounter with Erikson, by Donald Capps, Walter H. Capps, and M. Gerald Bradford," Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 17, no. 1 (1978): 71-73.

Kobylarz, Philip. "Review of Thomas Merton: Preview of an Asian Journey, by Walter H. Capps." Mystics Quarterly 18, no. 2 (1992): 68-69.

Kosmicki, Stephen. "The Price of Defeat [Review of The Unfinished War]." The Bloomsbury Review, December 1982. [Reprint]

Kropf, Richard. "The How and Why of Monasticism [Review of The Monastic Impulse, by Walter H. Capps]." National Catholic Reporter, October 21, 1983.

Ladner, Benjamin. "Why Do Ideas Illuminate?" Journal of the American Academy of Religion 42, no. 4 (1974): 739-745.

Lerner, Saul. "Review of The Unfinished War: Vietnam and the American Conscience, by Walter H. Capps." Magill's History Annual (1983): 440-444.

Lewin, Ralph. "When Can We Talk abou the Unspeakable?" California Council for the Humanities Network, Winter 2010.

Libby, Anthony. "Review of The Unfinished War: Vietnam and the American Conscience, by Walter H. Capps." The Ohio Journal 8, no. 1 (Fall/Winter 1983-1984): 26-27.

Linenthal, Edward Tabor. "Review of The Unfinished War: Vietnam and the American Conscience, by Walter H. Capps." Religious Studies Review 9, no. 1 (1983): 89.

___. "Review of The Unfinished War: Vietnam and the American Conscience, by Walter H. Capps." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 52, no. 2 (1984): 389.

___. "Vietnam and American Memory: A Review Article." Unpublished, n.d. [1986]. 

___. "Public Works: Professor Capps Goes to Congress." Unpublished, May 8, 2008. 

Longstreet, Stephen. "Vietnam, the Nightmare that Won't Go Away [Review of The Unfinished War]." Huntington Park Signal, August 27, 1982.

Luidens, Donald A. "Review of The New Religious Right: Piety, Patriotism, and Politics, by Walter H. Capps." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 31, no. 2 (1992): 240-242.

Maslan, Mark. "Biographical Fraud and Traumatic Nationalism: Joseph Ellis's Vietnam Testimony." Biography 29, no. 4 (2006): 605-614.

McCuthchen, Leighton. "Review of The Religious Personality, by Donald Capps and Walter H. Capps." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 40, no. 3 (1972): 404-405.

McCutcheon, Russell. "Review of Religious Studies: The Making of a Discipline, by Walter H. Capps." Zygon 34, no. 3 (1999): 527-530.

Memorial tributes held in the House of Representatives of the United States together with memorial services in eulogy of Walter Holden Capps, late a Representative from California, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1997. [Hypertext; PDF of October 29, 1997; PDF of October 30, 1997]

Pals, Daniel L. "Review of Religious Studies: The Making of a Discipline, by Walter H. Capps." Journal of Religion 77, no. 3 (1997): 498-499.

Pattison, E. Mansell. "Review of The Religious Personality, by Donald Capps and Walter H. Capps." Review of Religious Research 14, no. 2 (1973): 135-136.

Porter, Gareth. "Review of The Unfinished War: Vietnam and the American Conscience, by Walter H. Capps." Public Affairs 56, no. 4 (1984): 788-790.

Project on the Vietnam Generation. "Survey of Courses on Vietnam Era Events." The Project on the Vietnam Generation Report 1, no. 2 (December 1985). [See also: "Report on the Survey of Courses on Vietnam Era Events (Fall, 1985)," The Project on the Vietnam Generation, December 1985; "Report of the Survey of Courses on Vietnam Era Events -- 1986 Update," Center for the Study of the Vietnam Generation, January 31, 1987.]

Remus, Harold. "For Such a Time as This: The Council of Societies for the Study of Religion, 1969-2009." In Reinventing Religious Studies: Key Writings in the History of a Discipline, edited by Scott S. Elliott, 1-30. Bristol, CT: Acumen, 2013.

Roberts, Arthur. "American Indian Religion [Reivew of Seeing with a Native Eye: Essays on Native American Religion, by Walter H. Capps]." Christianity Today, October 21, 1977.

Ryan, John D. "What Happened to Hope? Review of Hope Against Hope: Moltmann to Merton in One Theological Decade, by Water H. Capps." CrossCurrents 27, no. 4 (1978): 480-482.

Segal, Robert A. "Review of Silent Fire: An Invitation to Western Mysticism, by Walter H. Capps and Wendy M. Wright." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 48, no. 1 (1980): 139-140.

___. "Review of Encounter with Erikson: Historical Interpretation and Religious Biography, by Donald Capps, Walter H. Capps, and M. Gerald Bradford." Religious Studies 17, no. 1 (1981): 121-123.

Shortt, Marie Therese. "Patterning Culture: Developing a System for the Visual Notation of Greetings." Ph.D. diss., University of Brighton, 2015.

Snyder, Graydon F. "God Above, God Ahead [Review of Time Invades the Cathedral: Tensions in the School of Hope, by Walter H. Capps]." Christian Century 89, no. 26 (June 5, 1972).

___. "Review of The Unfinished War: Vietnam and the American Conscience, by Walter H. Capps." Christian Century 100, no. 1 (Jan. 5, 1983).

Spark, Alasdair. "Review Essay: A Statute of Limitations: Recent American Writings on the Vietnam War." Journal of American Studies 27, no. 1 (1993): 93-98.

Strenski, Ivan. "Our Very Own 'Contras': A Response to the 'St. Louis Project' Report." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 54, no. 2 (1986): 323-335.

Wallace, Jr., Dewey D. "Review of The New Religious Right: Piety, Patriotism, and Politics, by Walter H. Capps." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 521 (May 1992): 200-201.

Weber, Mark W. "Review of The Unfinished War: Vietnam and the American Conscience, by Walter H. Capps." Library Journal, n.d. (1982-1983?).

Weckman, George. "Review of The Monastic Impulse, by Walter H. Capps." Christian Century 100, no. 34 (Nov. 16, 1983).

Weeks, Louis. "Review of Time Invades the Cathedral: Tensions in the School of Hope, by Walter H. Capps." The Presbyterian Outlook 154, no. 40 (1972): 15.

Welch, Claude. "An Informal Postscript to Capps on Wingspread." Unpublished. October 3, 1978. 

Wieneke, Bryant. Winning Without the Spin: A True Hero in American Politics. Huntington, NY: Kroshka Books, 2000.

Wright, Elliott. "Some Religious Books: In Brief [Review of Time Invades the Cathedral, by Walter H. Capps]." Commonweal 96, no. 12, May 26, 1972.


News Articles about Walter H. Capps

Dart, John. "Theology of Hope Faces Tomorrow." Los Angeles Times, May 5, 1968. [Reprinted in The Arizona Republic, August 3, 1968]

Anon. "Theologian Dr. Walter Capps Receives PLU Distinguished Alumnus Award." Scene [Alumni Association of Pacific Lutheran University] 3, no. 4 (May 1973): 2. [Full issue]

New York Times. "Private Group to Run a Coast 'Think Tank' on University Campus." New York Times, June 19, 1979. [PDF version]

Forum. "Experts Take a Peek at 2000 Lifestyles." The Arizona Republic, January 21, 1980. 

Dart, John. "3 Conventions Scheduled in Southland." Los Angeles Times, April 19, 1980.

Dart, John. "Scholars Urged to Address Present." Los Angeles Times, October 24, 1981.

Ad for Walter Capps lecture on "Vietnam and the Rise of Conservative Religion." The UCSD Guardian, January 18, 1982. [See pages 10 and 14]

Di Veroli, Robert. "'Take Moral Majority Seriously.'" San Diego Evening Tribune, January 23, 1982.

Hanerfeld, Lael E. "Moral Majority is at War within US." The UCSD Guardian, January 25, 1982.

Anon. "Kudos." Daily Nexus, March 4, 1982.

Anon. "How to Survive in a Technocracy." San Luis Obispo County Telegram-Tribune, May 22, 1982.

Zimbert, Katherine D. "Author Discusses Vietnam Veterans in '80s." Santa Barbara News-Press, [1982?].

Horn, Huston. "Review of The Unfinished War." Los Angeles Times, August 8, 1982. [Reprinted in St. Petersburg Times, September 5, 1982; see Letters to the Editor in response to Horn's review]

Glen, Maxwell, and Cody Shearer. "Vietnam Tragedy Festers as Lessons Go Unlearned." Cleveland Plain Dealer, August 24, 1982.

Anon. "Moral, Ethical Issues on War Drive Professor to Write Book." The Voice of Vietnam (Vet Outreach Centers) 3, no. 9 (September 1982): 1, 4-7.

Bush, Larry. "Capitol Report: Falwell's Follies." The Advocate, September 2, 1982.

Shepard, Susan J. "Understanding the Pain and Wounds of Vietnam [Review of The Unfinished War by Walter Capps]." Litchfield County Times, September 3, 1982.

Molotsky, Irvin. "Surge in Aptitude Scores Termed Nothing to Cheer." New York Times, September 27, 1982. [PDF version; reprinted in The Arizona Republic, September 29, 1982]

Glennon, Gina. "Capps Elected CCH Chair, Wants Humanities Revival." Daily Nexus, May 2, 1983.

Newsday. "New and Notable [Review of The Unfinished War by Walter Capps]." Newsday, June 26, 1983. [Reprint]

Dart, John. "A Monkish Way to Mutual Help." Los Angeles Times, July 24, 1983.

Nguyen, J. T. "An 'Unfinished War' for Vietnam Veterans [Review of The Unfinished War by Walter Capps]." Syracuse Herald American, October 30, 1983.

Spears, Larry. "Review of The Unfinished War: Vietnam and the American Conscience, by Walter H. Capps." Friends Journal, November 15, 1983.

Hansel, Kim. "Humanities Organization Appoints UCSB Professor Capps to Key Post." Daily Nexus, January 6, 1984. [Partial scan]

Anon. "Theologians to Speak at College." Oberlin News-Tribune, March 15, 1984.

Anon. "'Impact of Vietnam War': UCSB Religion Class to Hear John Wheeler." Santa Barbara News-Press, February 2, 1985.

Stevens, Robin. "Vietnam Vet Says Country Must Heal Itself." Daily Nexus, February 19, 1985.

Dean, Paul. "Vietnam War: Veterans Relive Their Horrors in the UCSB Classroom: Course Lures 900 at Campus Once Embroiled in Violence." Los Angeles Times, March 10, 1985.

Extract, Marjorie. "UCSB's War Protest History Brings NBC to Isla Vista." Daily Nexus, April 30, 1985.

Beyette, Beverly. "Helping to Make Life Worth Living: Humanities Council Has Contributed to Culture for 10 Years." Los Angeles Times, October 16,1985. [PDF version]

Mills, Kay. "UC Humanist on the New Right: 'Diminishing the Human Spirit.'" Los Angeles Times, October 20, 1985. [PDF version]

O'Mara, Catherine. "Speaker Addresses Impact of the Vietnam War on Female Veterans." Daily Nexus, February 2, 1986.

Sanchez, Jennifer. "Vietnam Veteran Speaks on Rehabilitation." Daily Nexus, February 13, 1986.

Gisel, Dan. "A Pilgrimage to The Wall: Vietnam War Memorial: a National Center of Healing; Veterans Learn to Cope with Painful Memories of the War." Daily Nexus, February 26, 1986.

Gross, Ronald. "Grass-roots Programs Fostering Interest in the Humanities from Coast to Coast." Christian Science Monitor, April 17, 1986.

Nakao, Annie. "Students Talking Vietnam." San Francisco Examiner, March 1, 1987.

Sanders, Eddie. "A Trip to the Wall: The Children of the Vietnam Generation." Daily Nexus, March 11, 1987. [Reprinted in The UCSD Guardian]

Anon. "Chancellor's Council Continues Lecture and Performance Series." UCSB Report 2 (1): July 1987.

Berryhill, Susan. "Professor Finds Harmony at La Casa." Montecito Life, September 7, 1987.

Anon. "History Speaks: UCSB Students Won't Forget These Lessons of Vietnam." Santa Barbara News-Press, October 8, 1987.

Hill, Michael. "CBS' Vietnam Series Hopes U.S. is Ready." Evening Sun (Baltimore Sun), August 10, 1987.

Gordon, Larry. "War Courses Popular: Lessons of Vietnam in Curricula." Los Angeles Times, December 19, 1987.

Butterfield, Fox. "Disparity in College Courses on Vietnam." New York Times, April 27, 1988. [see also: "Corrections," April 29, 1988]

O'Hara, Karen. "Course Re-ignites Teachers' Fire." Santa Barbara News-Press, August 7, 1988. [Closeup scan of newspaper article]

Goode, Stephen. "Taking a Trip Back to the Sixties." Insight on the News, August 15, 1988. [Closeup of page on Capps]

Contreras, V. Wade. "Problems of Multiculturalism Viewed." Daily Nexus, n.d. (1988/1989?).

Daniels, Wade. "Overcrowding Almost Cancels UCSB Class." The UCSD Guardian, January 23, 1989.

Welsh, Sue. "12-Year-Old Girl Among Recipients of First Corita Kent Peace Awards at Beverly Hilton." Los Angeles Times, March 8, 1989.

Behrens, Woody. "Soviet Vets Talk about Pain of War." Santa Barbara News-Press, June 2, 1989.

Anon. "In Popular Class, Lessons Concern the Vietnam War." New York Times, February 25, 1990.

Lacher, Irene. "'Why Can't I Die Now? Bill White is Losing His Fight Against AIDS. He Tells His Story to an Unusual Class at UC Santa Barbara." Los Angeles Times, April 23, 1990. [PDF version]

Anon. "Speaker: Vietnam Vets Show Great Leadership." Omaha World-Herald, August 12, 1990.

Mirsky, Jonathan. "Reconsidering Vietnam." New York Review of Books, October 10, 1991. [PDF version] [See also Jonathan Mirsky, "Return to Vietnam: An Exchange," New York Review of Books, April 9, 1992 (PDF version)]

Kotok, C. David. "Educator: Nation's Pain Keeps Viet War Fresh." Omaha World-Herald, January 31, 1994.

Anon. "UCSB Professor Runs for Congress." The UCSD Guardian, March 3, 1994. [Cover]

Associated Press. "Collision Injures Congressional Candidate." Los Angeles Times, May 25, 1996.

Janofsky, Michael. "Political Briefing; The States and the Issues [Auto Crash Is Seen as Campaign Help]." New York Times, June 27, 1996.

Sipchen, Bob. "Rematch is Also a Referendum." Los Angeles Times, July 16, 1996.

Ayres, Jr., B. Drummond. "Gingrich Ally Under Siege at Home." New York Times, July 29, 1996.

Egan, Timothy. "The States and the Issues [Democrats Like Look of House Races]." New York Times, September 12, 1996.

Skelton, George. "An Unusually Real Choice for Congress." Los Angeles Times, September 12, 1996.

Freedland, Jonathan. "US Election 96: Host Race for Barometer Vote." The Guardian, September 23, 1996.

Sipchen, Bob. "Race Becomes Test of GOP's '94 Ascension." Los Angeles Times, September 25, 1996. [PDF version]

Sipchen, Bob. "GOP Rasises Klaas Case in 3 Close Contests." Los Angeles Times, October 11, 1996.

Lederman, Douglas. "4 More Academics Win Seats in House of Representatives; 30 Others Lose Bids." Chronicle of Higher Education 43, no. 12 (November 15, 1996). [PDF version]

Mogul, Fred. "Congressman Surprised at Life on Hill." Omaha World-Herald, 1997.

Yang, John E. "Lawmaker with a Soul Purpose." Washington Post, February 11, 1997. [PDF version]

Dart, John. "Dalai Lama to Lecture across Region." Los Angeles Times, May 31, 1997.

Burd, Stephen, et al. "One Day on Capitol Hill for Higher Education." Chronicle of Higher Education 43, no. 33 (April 25, 1997). [PDF version]

Giffin, Elizabeth J. "Constituent Service Top Priority for Capps." Santa Barbara News-Press, June 12, 1997.

Roberts, Carol. "Democrats' Picnic Notes Historical Role of American Labor." San Luis Obispo County Telegram-Tribune, September 2, 1997. 

Anon. "Plan for Park at Reagan Ranch Is in Doubt." New York Times, October 3, 1997.

Brazil, Jeff, and Steve Berry. "Clinton Urged to Tighten Gun Import Law." Los Angeles Times, October 23, 1997.

Associated Press. "Rep. Capps of Santa Barbara Collapses, Dies." Los Angeles Times, October 29, 1997. [See alternate AP version]

Reuters. "California Cong. Walter Capps Dead at 63." Excite, October 29, 1997.

Fulwood III, Sam. "Rep. Capps, Professor-Turned-Legislator, Collapses and Dies." Los Angeles Times, October 29, 1997.

Gray, Jerry. "A California Congressman Dies After a Collapse." New York Times, October 29, 1997.

Cannon, Lou. "Walter Capps, Unpolitical Politician." Washington Post, October 29, 1997.

Associated Press and Jodie Stout. "Walter Capps Dies at Age 63" and "UCSB Loses Former Prof." Daily Nexus, October 29, 1997.

Roberts, Carol, and Jamie Hurly. "Friends, Colleagues Stunned by 'Tragic Loss.'" San Luis Obispo County Telegram-Tribune, October 29, 1997.

Wilcox, Dave. "Walter Capps Dead at 63." San Luis Obispo County Telegram-Tribune, October 29, 1997.

Yang, Henry, and Wade Clark Roof. Emails sent to UCSB community after Walter Capps' death. October 29, 1997.

Cornfield, Jerry. "An Era Ends." Santa Barbara Independent, October 30, 1997.

Welsh, Nick. "Honest Everyman." Santa Barbara Independent, October 30, 1997.

Lent, Brian A. "Walter Capps." Los Angeles Times, November 4, 1997.

Pham, Q. X. "Mourning a Man of Vision." Los Angeles Times, November 9, 1997.

Wilgoren, Jodi. "Painful Work Remains for Capps' Staff." Los Angeles Times, November 11, 1997.

Anon. "Clinton Remembers Rep. Walter Capps." CNN, November 12, 1997.

Associated Press. "Clinton Leads Service for Rep. Walter Capps." Washington Post, November 13, 1997.

"The President Remembers a Congressman." New York Times, November 13, 1997. [PDF version]

Purdum, Todd S. "Bellwether in Battle for Congress." New York Times, December 23, 1997.

Purdum, Todd. "Keeping Reagan's Legacy Alive at His Old Ranch." New York Times, May 24, 1998.

Anon. "House Funds Center on Religion, Public Life." Christian Century 119, no. 12 (June 5, 2002).

Roberts, Jerry. "Keeping Representative Walter Capps' Legacy Alive at UCSB." Santa Barbara Independent, April 10, 2008.

Indy Staff. "UCSB All Gaucho Reunion." Santa Barbara Independent, April 24, 2008.

Chawkins, Steve. "Alumni Pay Homage to Legendary Teacher." Los Angeles Times, April 27, 2008.

Preston, Ben. "UCSB Alumni Honor Walter Capps." Santa Barbara Independent, April 28, 2008.

Preston, Ben. "UCSB Students Connect with Veterans and Others Touched by the Horrors of War." Santa Barbara Independent, July 3, 2008.

Htoon, Sonia May. "Lois Capps, Veterans Lecture on Condition of Vietnam War Veterans." Daily Nexus, February 17, 2016.

Capps, Lois. "Reflecting on UCSB's Vietnam Veterans Class." Santa Barbara Independent, March 1, 2016.

Fischer, Sophia. "End of an Era: After Four Decades and Thousands of Students, a UCSB Favorite Course Ends." Coastlines, Spring 2018.


Materials from the Walter H. Capps Papers (UCSB Library)

Unpublished Articles and Writings

Capps, Walter. Poetry ("The Shadow of Shasta," "The Pantoon," "A Rondeau: Earth's Toils Are Through," and more). 1957.

___. "Thoughts Concerning the Holy Sacraments." Essay for Augustana Theological Seminary. June 1958.

___. "The Status of the Scriptures." Essay for Augustana Theological Seminary. n.d. [1958-1960].

___. "Christian Theology in New Dimension." Essay for Augustana Theological Seminary. n.d. [1958-1960].

___. "The 'Nature' Motif in Thomism and Luther: A Comparative Study." Term paper for "Luther and Scholasticism" course, Yale Divinity School. January 1961. 

___. "Religion as Aesthetic Presentation: Current Signs." Presentation given at Congress of Aesthetics, Uppsala, Sweden. 1968.

___. "Thornfield Conference Comments." Presentation given at Thornfield Conference on theology in upstate New York during Walter's sabbatical at Syracuse University. n.d. (Fall 1975).

___. "ALC Lectures [#1: Contemporary Developments in Theology]." Presentation given for the American Lutheran Church. October 1975.

___. "ALC Lecture #2: On Models and Paradigms." Presentation given for the American Lutheran Church. October 1975.

___. "Religion as Illusion -- Positive or Pejorative?" Lecture given at UCSB. December 3, 1975.

___. "West Faces West from the East and the Twain Meet." Presentation given at North Carolina Southeastern Consortium for International Education Symposium, Pembroke State University. March 6, 1978.

___. "The Vietnam War and American Religious Sensibility [Incomplete]." Presentation given to CSDI conference on the Vietnam War and American Religious Sensibility. n.d. (1978). [Earlier incomplete draft.]

___. "The Vietnam War and American Religious Sensibility." Dialogue Discussion Paper for CSDI conference on the Vietnam War and American Religious Sensibility. March 27, 1978. 

___. "Theology and Religious Studies Reconsidered." Presentation or draft article. n.d. (1979).

___. "Paradigms of Change in the Study of Religion." Winnipeg Paper, presented at IAHR Conference. 1980.

___. "Falwell on Location." Paper circulated for responses in Santa Barbara. February 4, 1982. [See "Responses to Work-in-Progress Paper 'Falwell on Location' by Walter H. Capps," with responses by William Mahedy, Hubert Locke, Harry Ashmore, and R.C. Gordon-McCutchan, and comments by Hodding Carter III, Clifton Fadiman, Daniel Martensen; March 31, 1982 to May 17, 1982]

___. "A Jeffersonian Alternative to the School Prayer Amendment." Draft op-ed for a newspaper. n.d. (1982).

___. "Welcoming the Vietnam Veterans Home." Draft op-ed for the Los Angeles Times, with rejection letter (Oct. 28, 1982). n.d. (1982). [Earlier draft, "Prolonging the Stress Reaction," March 11, 1981]

___. "The Moral Crisis in America: A Report from the New Religious Right." Ranson-Butler Lecture, Wichita State University. October 17, 1983.

___. "A Response to Professor Albert J. Raboteau's Paper." Response to Raboteau's paper, "Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Tradition of Black Religious Protest," presented at UCSB. September 25, 1984.

___. "Walter Capps' Remarks at the Reception in the U.S. Senate [Incomplete]." Speech in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the NEH and 15th anniversary of a state humanities program. September 12, 1985.

___. "Education and Memory: Teaching about the Vietnam War." Abstract and paper proposal for Improving University Teaching Conference. n.d. (Nov/Dec 1987 or Jan/Feb 1988). [See published version in the conference's Proceedings in the Articles and Chapters by Walter H. Capps section above; see also correspondence with IUT conference organizers, February 23, 1988 to March 23, 1988]

___. "[Opinion for Omaha World-Herald]." Draft opinion piece for Omaha newspaper endorsing Bob Kerrey for U.S. Senate. June 6, 1988. [See first draft and second draft]

___. "[Introductory Remarks for Bob Kerrey Lecture.]" n.d. (1988 or 1989). 

___. "Voices of the Stranger." Book proposal for a textbook. n.d. (1990).

___. [Photo of Walter Capps with Dalai Lama, UCLA, April 6, 1991.]

___. "Introduction [Incomplete]." Draft of an introduction for his edited book The Vietnam Reader (1991). n.d. (1991). 

___. [Draft op-ed for the Omaha World-Herald in Support of Bob Kerrey for President]. n.d. (1991). [See alternate draft]

___. "Kerrey [Incomplete]." Notes for an article about Bob Kerrey. n.d. (1992 or later).

___. "[Statement of Support for Bob Kerrey for President]." n.d. (1991 or 1992). [Partial draft; missing pages]

___."[Draft op-ed for the Omaha World-Herald in Support of Bob Kerrey for President]." n.d. (1992). 

___. "Commencement Address (UCLA) [draft]." UCLA Commencement, Humanities. June 13, 1992. [Commencement program]

___. "Philosophy of Religion and Mystical Experience." Draft paper. n.d. (1993 or later).

___. Notes for Speech at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary [Incomplete]. n.d. (1994).

___. Reflections on the 1994 Congressional Election. n.d. (1994 or 1995). 

___. "The Election, and the Next Congress." Draft op-ed for the Los Angeles Times. n.d. (1994 or 1995).

___. "On Running for Congress." Possible introduction for unfinished, untitled book. January 20, 1995. 

___. "Human Rights, Spiritual Values, and Political Realities: The 50th Anniversary of the United Nations." Speech presented at Uppsala University. n.d. (1995). [Earlier draft]

___. "The Role of Religion in the World Today." Presentation given at the University of Tromsoe. n.d. (1995?). 

___. "Commencement Address (UCSB)." UCSB Commencement, Humanities and Fine Arts. June 18, 1995. [Commencement program] [Variant draft]

___. "Religious Studies: Unresolved Methodological Issues." Presentation given at the University of Tennessee. n.d. (1995 or 1996). [Earlier draft]

___. "Chapter One: A Candidate's Perspective." Chapter 1 of unfinished, untitled book. Nov/Dec, 1996.

___. "II: Constructing Political Reform." Chatper 2 of unfinished, untitled book. n.d. (1996 or 1997).

___. "III: Gingrich and the Christian Coalition." Chapter 3 of unfinished, untitled book. n.d. (1996 or 1997).

___. "IV: Politics and Spirituality." Chapter 4 of unfinished, untitled book. n.d. (1996 or 1997). [Earlier draft (incomplete)]

___. "Uppsala Lecture." Written for delivery in Uppsala, Sweden, at Uppsala University's granting of an honorary doctorate in Theology. May 30, 1997.

___. "The American Flag." June 15, 1997.

Capps, Walter H., and Wendy M. Wright. "Postlude." Draft of a postlude to their co-edited book Silent Fire (1983). n.d. (1982?).


Syllabi, Course Materials, and Lecture Notes

RS 155: Religion and the Impact of Vietnam

Syllabi and Teaching Materials

RS 155: Religion and the Impact of the Vietnam War, Sample Questions -- Final Exam. Winter 1983.

RS 155: Religion and the Impact of the Vietnam War, Student Comments on Final Exam. Winter 1985.

RS 155: The Vietnam War: Religious Implications, Class Profile and Preliminary Results of RS 155 Survey. Winter 1986.

RS 155: The Vietnam War: Religious Implications, Outline of First Weeks, Grading Results, and Orientation. Winter 1986.

RS 155: Impact of the Vietnam War, Final Examination. Fall 1986. Ventura Learning Center.

RS 155: Impact of the Vietnam War, [Final Exam Part 2]. Fall 1986. Ventura Learning Center.

RS 155: Impact of the Vietnam War, Syllabus ("The Sequence of Topics," "Fact Sheet," "Assignment Sheet," "Term Project Details"). Winter 1988.

RS 155: Impact of the Vietnam War, Fact Sheet. Winter 1988.

RS 155: Impact of the Vietnam War, Syllabus. Winter 1990.

RS 155: Impact of the Vietnam War, Textbook Requisition. Winter 1992.

RS 155: Impact of the Vietnam War, Book Order List for Winter 1993. June 1992.

RS 155: The Impact of the Vietnam War, Glossary of Terms. Winter 1994.

RS 155: Impact of the Vietnam War on American Culture, Description of Course. Winter 1995.

RS 155: Impact of the Vietnam War on American Culture, Reading List. Winter 1995.

RS 155: The Impact of the Vietnam War on American Culture, Term Project. Winter 1995.

Lecture Notes

RS 155 Lecture Notes- 1986 Jan 14.

RS 155 Lecture Notes- 1986 Feb 6.

RS 155 Lecture Notes- 1986- Final.

RS 155 Lecture Notes- 1989 Feb 16- Voices of the Stranger.

RS 155 Lecture Notes- Characteristics of PTSD.

RS 155 Lecture Notes- Compared with Other Wars, Minority Involvement.

RS 155 Lecture Notes- Ho Chi Minh.

RS 155 Lecture Notes- James Fallows.

RS 155 Lecture Notes- Major Events of the Vietnam War.

RS 155 Lecture Notes- Meaning & Memorial.

RS 155 Lecture Notes- New Right.

RS 155 Lecture Notes- PTSD.

RS 155 Lecture Notes- Reasons for the War & Ho Chi Minh.

RS 155 Lecture Notes- Tet, Guests, Fallows.

RS 155 Lecture Notes- Theories About the War.

RS 155 Lecture Notes- Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

RS 155 Lecture Notes- Vietnam War and Persian Gulf War Comparison.

RS 155 Lecture Notes- War.

Other RS 155 Materials

An Outline of Important Dates [RS 155]. n.d. (1980s?).

Enrollment Figures. n.d. (1980s?).

Letter from Walter Capps to Ninian Smart. February 10, 1986. Re: RS 200B Session on teaching about the Vietnam War within a Religious Studies curriculum and RS 155.

Correspondence with Walter Capps and Kathy Cook. February 13, 1986 to February 7, 1989. Re: grants from Cook Brothers Educational Fund for RS 155 and Walter's trip to USSR.

Poem ("The Vietnam Memorial") by Cheryl Kafka. February 21, 1986.

Poem ("October 1964") by Deborah Hirsch. n.d. (1986 or 1987?).

Persons Who Have Addressed RS 155. n.d. (1990?).

Course Evaluation of RS 155 by Chau Hoang. June 4, 1992. Re: including more Vietnamese perspectives in the course.

Photo of RSS 155 Guest Lecturer Shad Meshad. n.d. (1980s). (Photo 1)

Photo of RS 155 Visit to Washington, D.C. n.d. (1980s). (Photo 1)

Photo of RS 155 Visit to Washington, D.C. March 1, 1987. (Photo 1, Photo 2)

Photos of Walter Capps and students during Wendy Wilder Larsen and Tran Thi Nga visit. February 1988. (Photo 1, Photo 2, Photo 3)

Photos of RS 155 Visit to Washington, D.C. (1989?). (Photo 1, Photo 2, Photo 3, Photo 4)

Press Release: "George McGovern to Address UCSB Class on Vietnam War." February 10, 1983.

Press Release: "Former Nebraska Governor to Lecture at UCSB." February 12, 1987.

Press Release: "UCSB Students to Visit Vietnam Memorial." March 1, 1989.

Quay, James. "On Breaking the Cycle of War." February 4, 1986. Lecture to the RS 155 class.

News Clippings

Harper, Pamela. "UCSB Course on Vietnam War Opens Eyes and Hearts." Santa Barbara News-Press, June 4, 1984.

Newsclip. "Former Army Chaplain to Talk to Capps' Class." Santa Barbara News-Press, n.d. [January 16, 17, or 18, 1986].

Newsclip. "'Prof. Kerrey' on Faculty for 10 Weeks." Omaha World-Herald, December 24, 1986.

Newsclip. "Gov. Kerrey Expected for Stint at UCSB." Santa Barbara News-Press, December 30, 1986. [See reprint]

Newsclip. "[Robert Kerrey at UCSB]." Daily Nexus, January 14, 1987.

Kotok, C. David. "Vet Kerrey Nows Sees War as Politicians Did." Omaha World-Herlad, February 1, 1987.

Newsclip. "Ex-Governor to Speak" & "Former Governor to Preach Sermon." Santa Barbara News-Press, n.d. (February or March 1987).

Newsclip. "Former Nebraska Governor Teaching Classes." L&S at UC Santa Barbara 5, Winter 1987.

Stewart, Dean. "The Education of Robert Kerrey." Santa Barbara Independent, March 11, 1987.

Newsclip. "'Born on the Fourth of July' Speaker Replaced for Vietnam Reunion." Omaha World-Herald, n.d. (ca. 1992-1994).

Kotok, C. David. "Vet Status Both a Plus, Minus." Omaha World-Herald, February 10, 1992.

Vistica, Gregory L. "One Awful Night in Thanh Phong." New York Times, May 3, 2001.


ID 150: Voices of the Stranger 

ID 150: Voices of the Stranger, Syllabus ("The Sequence"). Spring 1988

ID 150: Voices of the Stranger, Syllabus. Spring 1988

ID 150: Voices of the Stranger, Syllabus. Spring 1991

ID 150: Voices of the Stranger, Syllabus ("Schedule of Readings," "The Writing Assignment"). Winter 1994.

ID 150: Voices of the Stranger, Supplementary Reading List (incomplete). n.d.

Letter from Walter Capps to Stanley J. Nicholson, Instructional Development. July 19, 1990. Re: ID 150 qualifies for UCSB's Ethnicity Requirement.

Book Proposal for "Voices of the Stranger" Textbook. n.d. (1990).

ID 150: Lecture Notes. n.d. (1990s). [Set 1, Set 2, Set 3, Set 4, Set 5, Set 6, Set 7, Set 8, Set 9, Set 10, Set 11 (Final).]


RS 30: Introduction to Religion

RS 30: Introduction to Religion, Course Outline. Summer 1967.

RS 30: Introduction to Religion, Course Information and Course Outline. Winter 1972.


RS 35: Western Religious Thought: The Formative Period

RS 35: Western Religious Thought: The Formative Period, Final Exam Questions. Fall 1965.

RS 35: Western Religious Thought: I, Bibliography. n.d. (Fall 1965?).


RS 36: Western Religious Thought: Modern Period

RS 36: Western Religious Thought: Modern Period, Syllabus. Spring 1965.


RS 37: Western Religious Thought: Contemporary Period

RS 37: Western Religious Thought: III, Syllabus. Fall 1966.


RS 40: Religion and Society

RS 40: Religion and Society, Final Examination. Fall 1964.

RS 40: Religion and Society, Syllabus. Spring 1965.

RS 40: Religion and Society, Final Examination. Spring 1965.


RS 50: Religious Classics of the Western World

RS 50: Religious Classics of the Western World, Syllabus. Winter 1979.

RS 50: Religious Classics of the Western World, Midterm Exam and Final Exam. Winter 1979.


RS 100A: History of Western Religious Thought: I

RS 100A: History of Western Religious Thought: I, Course Outline. Fall 1967.

RS 100A: History of Western Religious Thought, Examination. Winter 1971.


RS 103: Contemporary Trends in Religious Thought

RS 103: Contemporary Trends in Religious Thought, Midterm Exam. Spring 1966.

RS 103: Contemporary Trends in Religious Thought, Syllabus. Fall 1978.


RS 103A: Contemporary Trends in Religious Thought

RS 103A: Contemporary Trends in Religious Thought, Course Outline. Summer 1967.

RS 103A: Contemporary Trends in Religious Thought, Course Outline. Fall 1967.

RS 103A: Contemporary Trends in Religious Thought, Course Information Sheet. Spring 1970.


RS 103B: Contemporary Trends in Religious Thought: II


RS 104: Seminar: Problems in the Study of Religion

RS 104: Seminar: Problems in the Study of Religion, Outline of Course. Winter 1984.

RS 104: Seminar: Problems in the Study of Religion, Final Exam. Winter 1984.


RS 124: Religious Implications of the Enlightenment

RS 124: Religious Implications of the Enlightenment, Line-up. Spring 1970.


RS 153: Religion and Politics in America Today

RS 153: Religion and Politics in America Today, Description of Course and Handouts. Winter 1984.

Gisel, Dan. "Congressional Medal of Honor" (poem). Spring 1987. Poem dedicated to Bob Kerrey.

Letter from Walter Capps to Richard E. Oglesby. February 10, 1982 and July 31, 1982. Re: Instructional Development Grants for the RS 153 course in 1982-1983.

McGovern, George. "Politics and Religion in America Today." March 1981. First speaker in a series on "The Future of Liberalism."

Photos of George McGovern speaking at Walter's Religion & Politics course in Winter 1982. (Photo 1, Photo 2, Photo 3, Photo 4, Photo 5, Photo 6)

RS 153 Press Release: "McGovern at UCSB During Winter Quarter." February 2, 1982.

Associated Students Legislative Council Bill. March 10, 1982. Re: praise for RS 153 class. [See draft]


McGovern, George. Lecture 1 Transcript. January 18, 1982. George McGovern was a U.S. Senator from South Dakota and the 1972 Democratic Party presidential nominee.

Thomas, Cal. Lecture Transcript. January 25, 1982. Cal Thomas was Vice President of the Moral Majority from 1980-1985 and a conserative syndicated columnist.

People for the American Way. Lecture Transcript [missing pg 7]. February 1, 1982. Panel featuring Stanley Sheinbaum, Tracy Sussman, Leon Sullivan, David Soul from People for the American Way, a liberal advocacy organization. 

Billings, William. Lecture Transcript. February 8, 1982. William (Bill) Billings was President of the National Christian Action Coalition, a conservative evangelical advocacy organization. 

Moyers, Bill. Bill Moyers Journal [Excerpt]. February 8, 1982. Exerpt of PBS' Bill Moyers Journal on the Religious Right, played during William Billings' lecture.

Bellah, Robert. Lecture Transcript. February 22, 1982. Robert Bellah was a professor and sociologist of religion at UC Berkeley.

Moltmann, Jurgen. Lecture Transcript. February 22, 1982. Jurgen Moltmann was a Protestant theologian and professor of systematic theology at the University of Tubingen.

Brown, Jerry. Lecture Transcript. March 1, 1982. Jerry Brown was Democratic politician and governor of California from 1975-1983 and 2011-2019.

Capps, Walter. Lecture Transcript. March 1, 1982. Walter's lecture frames the course and states the thesis of the course.

McGovern, George. Lecture 2 Transcript. March 8, 1982. McGovern lectures on nuclear peril, Walter sums up the course; final class of this term.

Weyrich, Paul. "Campbell Hall Lecture." March 5, 1984. Paul Weyrich was a conservative Christian and political activist, co-founder of the Moral Majority and other conservative advocacy organizations.

News Clippings

Newsclip. "George McGovern to Teach at UCSB." Santa Barbara News-Press, December 6, 1981.

Newsclip. "McGovern Class Cards Are Available." Daily Nexus, January 15, 1982.

Newsclip. Walsh, Joan. "Professor McGovern's Political Education." Santa Barbara News & Review, January 21, 1982. 

Newsclip. "George [McGovern] Begins New Job." Hot Springs Sentinel Record, January 24, 1982.

Newsclip. Photo of George McGovern and Walter Capps. Daily Nexus, January 26, 1982. [See different version]

Newsclip. Rankin, Jerry. "Moral Majority Called 'Primarily Political.'" Santa Barbara News-Press, January 26(?), 1982.

Newsclip. Rankin, Jerry. "New Right Feels Betrayed by Reagan." Santa Barbara News-Press, February 9, 1982.

Newsclip. Rankin, Jerry. "Brown Assails College Cutbacks." Santa Barbara News-Press, March 2, 1982.

Newsclip. "Cuts Are 'Step Back to Dark Ages,' Brown Says." Sacramento Bee, March 2, 1982.

Newsclip. Krist, John. "Moral Majority Vice President Defends Role in Politics." Daily Nexus, n.d. [Jan (26?), 1982]. [Partial copy of article]

Newsclip. "Trappist Monk UCSB Speaker." Santa Barbara News-Press, n.d. [1980s].

Newsclip. "McGovern at UCSB." Daily Nexus, n.d. [1982].

Newsclip. "McGovern to Speak." Santa Barbara News-Press, February 14, 1983.

Newsclip. Perry, Jenny. "McGovern Has Not Ruled Out Bid for Nomination." Santa Barbara News-Press, February 19, 1983.

Newsclip. Dodson, Becky. "McGovern Presents Analysis of U.S. Involvement in Vietnam." Daily Nexus, February 22, 1983.

Newsclip. Dodson, Becky. "Donaldson Dissects President's Policies." Daily Nexus, February 9, 1984.

Newsclip. Rankin, Jerry. "'Religious Right' Won't Be as Excited about Reagan Campaign in 1984." Santa Barbara News-Press, March 6, 1984.

Newsclip. Nelson, Brooke. "Former U.S. Senator Beams into Lecture Hall." Daily Nexus, February 5, 1992. 

Newsclip. Murphy, Donald. "McCarthy: U.S. 'Guilt' about Vietnam Lingers." Santa Barbara News-Press, n.d. 1992. [Partial news clipping.]


RS 177: The Religious Personality

RS 177: The Religious Personality, Course Outline. Winter 1970.

RS 177: The Religious Personality, Final Exam. n.d. (Winter 1970 or Spring 1972).

RS 177: The Religious Personality, Course Syllabus. Spring 1972.


RS 180: The Formation of Religious Studies

RS 180: The Formation of Religious Studies, Course Description and Reading List. n.d. (early 1970s?).


Other Syllabi

Religion and the Process of Visualization, Winter 1977. College of Creative Studies. 


Humanities and Religious Studies Centers: Letters, Memos, Reports, and Materials

Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions (CSDI)

Memo from Walter Capps to CSDI ("The Vietnam War and Modern Sensibility"). September 16, 1977. Re: planning "dialogue sessions" on how the Vietnam War affected religion and values.

Memo from Walter Capps to CSDI ("A Proposal: The Humanities and Public Policy Issues"). October 29, 1977. Re: possible programming on the humanities and public policy.

CSDI Program: "Dialogue Session on Cultural Unity and Cultural Pluralism" (List of Participants). November 21, 1977.

Letter from Ed Linenthal to Walter Capps. n.d. [1977?]. Re: brainstorming participants for upcoming CSDI Vietnam War conference.

Letter from Walter Capps to Harry, Otis, Don, and Peter. December 13, 1977. Re: list of possible participants for upcoming CSDI Vietnam War conference.

Memo from Walter Capps to CSDI ("The Vietnam War and American Religious Sensibility"). n.d. (1978). Re: project description for upcoming CSDI Vietnam War conference.

CSDI Program: "Dialogue Session on the Vietnam War and American Religious Sensibility" (List of Participants). January 27, 1978. 

Memo from Walter Capps to CSDI ("Vietnam Project Participants, Program Outline, and Program Notes"). January 12, 1979. Re: planning for CSDI's "The Impact of Vietnam" conference.

CSDI Program: "The Impact of Vietnam" (Program Outline and Guest Participants). April 5-7, 1979.

CSDI Program: "The Impact of Vietnam" (Transcripts). April 5-7, 1979. Transcripts: April 5 PM [missing pages]April 5 Evening [missing pages]April 6 AM [missing pages]April 6 PM [missing pages]April 7 AMApril 5-7 one-sheets.

Memo from Clyde Curry Smith to Walter Capps ("Observations"). April 8, 1979. Re: 1979 meeting "The Impact of Vietnam" at the CSDI.

Letter from Shad Meshad to Walter Capps. April 9, 1979. Re: 1979 meeting "The Impact of Vietnam" at the CSDI.

Memo from Walter Capps to CSDI ("The Impact of Vietnam"). n.d. (May or June 1979). Re: statement about CSDI's project on the impact of the Vietnam War. 

Memo from Walter Capps to CSDI ("Special Meeting"). July 24, 1979. Re: upcoming session on key developments in education featuring Sr. Veronica Baxter.

Memo from Walter Capps to CSDI ("Program Profile: Academic Year 1979-80"). August 7, 1979. Re: list of major objectives, conference subjects, dialogue sessions, other events, Walter's priorities.

Letter from Walter Capps to Joseph Slater. September 6, 1979. Re: possible collaboration between CSDI and the Aspen Institute.

CSDI "Planning Conference" (Transcript). October 15, 1979. Re: planning future of CSDI during transition to UCSB leadership, including Walter Capps as leader.

Memos between Walter Capps and Robert Huttenback. April 2, 1980 to November 6, 1980. Re: leadership and structure of CSDI.

Transcript of "The Unfinished War: Vietnam and the Collective Healing Process" (CSDI Dialogue Session). April 8, 1981 (2:00 PM). Re: fourth dialogue session on the impact of the Vietnam War.

Transcript of TV Interview with Paul Weyrich and Walter Capps. March 5, 1984.

Transcript of CSDI Interview with Paul Weyrich and Walter Capps. n.d. [1984?]

Transcript of Interview with Paul Weyrich. n.d. [1984?]

Memo from Walter Capps to Robert Michaelsen. February 7, 1987. Re: proposal for Bob Kerrey and Walter Capps to be appointed co-directors of the CSDI.


Council on the Study of Religion (CSR)

Report from Walter Capps to the Council on the Study of Religion ("Religious Studies in an Age of Limits: Notes from the Wingspread Conference." n.d. (1978). Re: the future of the academic study of religion; assisted by Deborah R. Sills and David Chidester. [See earlier draft, "Report from the Wingspread Conference on Research Needs in Religious Studies"]

Memo from Walter Capps to Robert Huttenback. September 10, 1979. Re: support of Council on the Study of Religion. 


Department of Religious Studies (UCSB)

Memos from Walter Capps to Phil Hammond and RS faculty. June, 22, 1987 to January 23, 1990. Re: proposals to create a professional "School of Religious Studies" at UCSB.


Institute of Religious Studies

Report of the Director: Five-Year Academic Review. December 1, 1971. Re: appendix to 1974 graduate program review of UCSB Department of Religious Studies; prospectus for Metamorphoses: Journal of the Institute of Religious Studies; report on Comparative Indo-European Mythology: A Symposium with Georges Dumezil.

Memos from Walter Capps and Letters from Faculty. February 16, 1973 to May 20, 1974. Re: memos for "A Possible New Direction for the Institute," responses from faculty.

Grant Proposal: "The Influence of Religious Studies upon Religion" by Walter Capps. July 9, 1975. Re: proposal for Lilly Endowment project.

Bulletin of the Institute of Religious Studies. September 1975.

Letters from Walter Capps to Irving Laucks. April 15, 1977, and May 14, 1977. Re: potential funding for endowed chair or programming at the Institute of Religious Studies.

Letter from Walter Capps to Henry Offen. September 24, 1977. Re: future of the Institute of Religious Studies.

Report from Walter Capps to Robert W. Lynn (Lilly Endowment). February 22, 1979. Re: report on "The Influence of Religious Studies upon Religion," a project of the Institute of Religious Studies and funded by the Lilly Endowment. [See earlier draft, "The Influence of Religious Studies upon Religion: Impressions from an Inquiry" (1979)"] [See letter to Walter Capps re: "Lilly Endowment Project: Influence of Religious Studies upon Religion," August 1, 1979] [See related articles as appendices by Robert Michaelsen, "Constitutions, Courts, and the Study of Religion" (April 1977); Robert Bellah, "The Fallacy of Teaching 'About' Religion" (1977?); Jacob Needleman, "Notes Concerning the Power of Religious Ideas" (1977?); Jonathan Z. Smith, "To Be and To Be Perceived: Religion and the Study of Religion" (1977); and Louise A. Greene, "The Relationship between Studying Religion and Being Religious: One Student's Perspective" (1977?)]

Brief: "Students Discern Religion in Religious Studies [draft]." n.d. (1979). Re: brief summary of "The Influence of Religious Studies upon Religion," a project of the Institute of Religious Studies. [See earlier draft, "Students Discern Religion in Religious Studies," August 24, 1979]


Humanities Institute

Memo from Walter Capps ("Humanities Institute Proposal: Religious Studies and Socio-Cultural Change"). n.d. (1981). Re: proposal for a Humanities Institute focused on religious studies, conference to take place in summer 1982; includes CV.


National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

Letter from Harold Cannon to Walter Capps. October 26, 1981. Re: gratitude for receiving final narrative report.

NEH Summer Session 1983 Materials. 1983. Re: description of seminar, final report, correspondence for NEH Summer Seminar on "Religion in a Democratic Society: Tocqueville's Democracy in America" for secondary school teachers.

Correspondence with Walter Capps, William Bennett, and Joan Coleman. 1984. Re: second NEH Summer Seminar on de Tocqueville.

NEH Grant Information Awards as of August 1984. 1984. Re: grant to support a seminar for undergraduates, On the Nature of Religion.

Letter from Walter Capps to Ron Herzman. August 3, 1985. Re: final report for NEH Summer Seminar for Undergraduate Fellows on de Tocqueville.

NEH Summer Session 1986 Materials. 1986. Re: letters from Walter Capps to participants, final report, other materials for NEH Summer Seminar on de Tocqueville.

NEH Summer Session 1987 Materials. 1987. Re: correspondence for NEH Summer Seminar on de Tocqueville.

NEH Summer Session 1988 Materials. 1988. Re: correspondence for NEH Summer Seminar on de Tocqueville. [See additional correspondence with US Information Agency and participants]

Letter from Kirk Ankeny to David Gardner. August 25, 1989. Re: commending UC president for Walter's NEH summer seminar for teachers on de Tocqueville.

Proposal from Walter Capps for NEH Summer Institute in 1990 in Hawaii. n.d. (1989?). Re: proposal for course for secondary teachers on "religious pluralism."

Proposal from Walter Capps for NEH Summer Institute in 1990 at UCSB. n.d. (1989?). Re: proposal for course for secondary teachers on "the teachings of the world's religions."

Photo of NEH Summer Session 1993 Participants. 1993.

NEH Summer Session 1995 Materials. 1995. Re: correspondence for NEH Summer Seminar on de Tocqueville.


National Federation of State Humanities Councils (NFSHC)

Correspondence with Walter Capps and NFSHC members. August 30, 1983 to November 17, 1983. Re: Walter becoming president of National Federation of State Humanities Councils (NFSHC).

Letter from Walter Capps to John Lordan. December 12, 1983. Re: Walter Capps, as NFSHC president, urging opposition to proposed lobbying regulations. 

Letter from William J. Bennett to Walter Capps. June 22, 1984. Re: NEH new head of Division of State Programs.

Letters from Donald Gibson, Geri Malandra, and Walter Capps. January 24, 1984 to June 28, 1984. Re: National Meeting of Chairs of State Humanities Councils in Dallas; NFSHC government affairs.

Memo: "Where We Seem to Be Right Now," by Walter Capps. n.d. (1986). Re: present and future of NFSHC. [See earlier draft, "Where I Think We Are Right Now"]


Other Humanities or Religious Studies Centers

Proposal from Walter Capps ("A Comprehensive Inventory of Religious Studies"). n.d. (1984). Re: proposal requesting funds for a conference on the academic study of religion. 

Materials for Vietnam Seminar, "Understanding Vietnam's Historical Perspectives," Ho Chi Minh City University. January 1991. [See Walter Capps' handwritten notes from the seminar.]


Lectures Fliers & Programs

Flier, "The Moral Crisis in America: A Report on the New Religious Right," Walter Capps lecture. Wichita State University, Department of Religion, 1983 Ransom-Butler Lecture. October 17, 1983. 

Program, "Challenges in the Humanities: Great Issues and Great Books," Walter Capps lecture. Arkansas Endowment for the Humanities, Little Rock. April 11, 1984.

Program, "Can There Be 'Back to Basics' in a Global Society?" Walter Capps lecture. California Lutheran College, Lutheran Deans' Conference, "Educating for Global Citizenship." November 1-3, 1984.

Program, "What Good are the Liberal Arts?" Walter Capps lecture. California Polytechnic State University, Liberal Arts Week 1988, January 27, 1988.



Sermons. June 22, 1975 to May 9, 1976. Sermons given at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church (Santa Maria, CA) (June 22, 1975); Bethania Lutheran Church (Solvang, CA) (July 13, 1975; July 20, 1975); VA Hospital (Portland, OR) (August 24, 1975); Resurrection Lutheran Church (Springfield, OR) (August 24, 1975; December 21, 1975; December 24, 1975); Grace Lutheran Church (Santa Barbara, CA) (January 25, 1976); El Montecito Presbyterian Church (Santa Barbara, CA) (May 9, 1976). Note: some sermons delivered with Walter's father-in-law, J. Milton Grimsrud.

Sermon. November 9, 1975. Hendricks Chapel, Syracuse University.

Notes for Sermon at Unitarian Church. February 19, 1995. Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara, CA).


Letters and Correspondence

Letter from Rudolph Miick to Walter Capps. January 9, 1958. Re: asking about "Wally" in Lutheran seminary.

Letter from Walter Capps to Byron Swanson. February 24, 1958. Re: discernment for ordination as a Lutheran pastor.

Letter from Karl Mattson to Walter Capps. August 6, 1958. Re: whether Walter should get ordained in Augustana Lutheran Church or United Lutheran Church.

Letter from Walter Capps to Augustana Theological Seminary. January 15, 1960. Re: application for graduate scholarship and discernment for ordination as a pastor or study to be a professor.

Yale Divinity School, Entering Students. September 1960. 

Letter from Walter Knutson to Walter Capps. January 20, 1961. Re: discernment for ordination as a pastor or study to be a professor.

Letter from Walter Capps to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. September 13, 1961. Re: thanks for internship as pastor in Connecticut congregation.

Letter from GE Lenski to Walter Capps. n.d. [1958-1962]. Re: evaluation of Walter's preaching.

Correspondence with Walter Capps and Patricia Reif. January 15, 1970 to January 13, 1971. Re: Walter teaching a course on "Theology of Hope" at Immaculate Heart College.

Letters from Walter Capps to E.H. Gombrich. June 3, 1970 to June 4, 1976. Re: inviting Gombrich to lecture at UCSB.

Letter from Walter Capps to Ronald Cavanagh. January 8, 1975. Re: expressing gratitude for months-long stay at Syracuse University.

Correspondence with Walter Capps, Jurgen Moltmann, Douglas Huneke, James Wiggins, Walter Pilgrim, and Don [surname unkown]. January 24, 1975 to September 3, 1976. Re: planning scuttled trip by Jurgen Moltman to West Coast for 1976 speaking tour and "Santa Barbara Summer Theological Conference" at La Casa de Maria Retreat Center.

Letter from Ronald Cavanagh to Walter Capps. April 15, 1975. Re: offer of temporary appointment as Visiting Professor of Religion at Syracuse University for fall 1975. 

Letter from Gerald Larson to Walter Capps. October 5, 1975. Re: departmental politics, Joseph Blau, Ninian Smart at UCSB.

Letter from Van Harvey to Walter Capps. October 18, 1975. Re: questions about Syracuse Religion department, unhappiness at Penn.

Letter from Walter Capps to Gerald Larson. October 22, 1975. Re: Ninian Smart at UCSB, comparing UCSB and Syracuse Religion departments. [See earlier draft, October 15, 1975]

Letters from John McCombe and Darrell Fasching to Walter Capps. November 17, 1975 and November 20, 1975. Re: gratitude for Walter's sermon at Syracuse and honorarium for preaching.

Letter from Edward Zogby to Walter Capps. November 18, 1975. Re: praise for Walter, copy of Zogby's draft children's book, "Man as Conductor of Being" (1975) with illustrations.

Letter from Ronald Cavanagh to Walter Capps. January 21, 1976. Re: praise for Walter, final paychecks from Syracuse University.

Letter from Dorothy Rose to Walter Capps. February 15, 1976. Re: praise for Walter's class at Syracuse University and self-reflections, request for comments on her final paper.

Letter from Jeff Stewart to Walter Capps. March 14, 1976. Re: requesting help for dissertation on Aquinas and Augustine.

Letter from Walter Capps to Otis Graham. September 1, 1976. Re: vacationing, CSDI, upcoming publications.

Letter from George Baker to Walter Capps. February 24, 1978. Re: feedback on Walter's paper from a 1977 conference.

Letters from Paschal Phillips to Walter Capps. June 9, 1980 to September 3, 1992. Re: Trappist monk life, Vatican II, Vietnam War, Center Magazine.

Letters from George McGovern to Walter Capps. September 29, 1981 to May 2, 1984. Re: including Walter on board of Americans for Common Sense, co-teaching class "Religion and Politics in America Today" in Winter 1982.

Letters from Eulah Laucks to Harry S. Ashmore. February 19, 1982 to June 1, 1982. Re: arranging Ashmore's response to Walter's work-in-progress paper "Falwell on Location."

Letter from Robert Bellah to Walter Capps. May 4, 1982. Re: praise for The Unfinished War book.

Letter from Pamela Miller to Walter Capps. May 27, 1982. Re: gratitude for Walter's lecture at Cal Poly.

Letter from Roland Bainton to Walter and Lois Capps. July 3, 1982. Re: thanking Walter for commentary of Bainton's autobiography, with drawing of Walter Capps by Bainton. 

Letter from Roland Bainton to Walter Capps. August 8, 1982. Re: busy fall traveling schedule and possible visit to Santa Barbara.

Letter from Beth Tucker to Walter Capps. July 27, 1983. Re: praise for Walter, her study of the presidency.

Letter from Jacob Neusner to Walter Capps. March 10, 1984. Re: managing institutions, department politics, journal article.

Letters from May Okihiro to Walter Capps, Denver Mills, Phillip Hammond. May 20, 1984 to July 25, 1986. Re: impact of Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from Brad Wilson to Walter Capps. May 23, 1984. Re: praise for Walter as a teacher of Vietnam and Religion & Politics courses. [See also letter from Brad Wilson to Shad Meshad, May 23, 1984]

Letter from Rebecca Dodson to David Sprecher. April 4, 1984. Re: nominating Walter Capps as commencement speaker.

Letter from Deborah Regosin to Walter Capps. June 1, 1984. Re: praise for Walter's Vietnam class.

Letter from Julie Epstein to Walter Capps. June 12, 1984. Re: praise for Walter Capps.

Letter from Joyce Masamitsu to Walter Capps. June 26, 1984. Re: praise for Walter Capps.

Letter from N. G. MacDonald to Beacon Press. July 26, 1984. Re: praise for The Unfinished War.

Letter from Jennifer Walter Capps. n.d. (1983-1985?). Re: praise for Walter's Vietnam class.

Letter from Debbie to Walter Capps. n.d. (1983-1985?). Re: praise for Walter's Vietnam class and other classes.

Letter from Rosemary La Puma to Walter Capps. January 28, 1985. Re: gratitude for letter of recommendation.

Letter from Ernest Zomalt to Walter Capps. February 6, 1985. Re: Walter's presentation at UCSB "Relighting the Flame" ceremony for MLK celebration.

Letter from Gary Hess to Walter Capps. March 10, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course, Walter's compassion for a gay student coming out of the closet.

Letter from Sen. Gary Hart to Walter Capps. March, 12, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letters from John (Jack) Wheeler to Walter Capps, RS 155 Students, and Lois Capps. February 14, 1985. Re: Wheeler's visit to RS 155 Vietnam War class.

Letter from Michael Hirsh to Walter Capps. March 10, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from Robert Burton to Walter Capps. March 10, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from Stacy Piggot to Walter Capps. March 10, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from William Stewart to Walter Capps and Bob Kerrey. March 10, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from Elyse Kutz to Walter Capps. March 11, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from Richard Trussell to Walter Capps. March 12, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from Dona Boatright to Walter Capps. March 13, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from Bob Christensen to Walter Capps. March 14, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from Fred R. Rickson to Walter Capps. March 14, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from Paul Dean to Walter Capps. March 15, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from Dana Rikimaru to Walter Capps. March 15, 1985. Re: RS 155 class about the Vietnam War.

Letter from Tricia Martella to Walter Capps. March 17, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from Ralph Carlson to Walter Capps. March 19, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from David Schwartz to Walter Capps. March 20, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from Jim Levora to Walter Capps. March 21, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from Gerry Swanson to Walter Capps. April 2, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from Sandie Fauriol to Walter Capps. April 15, 1985. Re: invitation to participate in "The Project on the Vietnam Generation," led by the Smithsonian Institution, with "Summary Report of the April 29, 1985 Planning Meeting" (dated May 25, 1985).

Letter from Douglas Schmidt to Walter Capps. May 23, 1985. Re: unable to meet with Bob Kerrey.

Letter from June O'Connor to Walter Capps. June 14, 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from John Norfleet to Walter Capps. n.d., 1985. Re: LA Times article about Walter's Vietnam War course.

Letter from Conrad Sieber to Walter Capps. September 9, 1985. Re: Walter's workshop on "Reevaluating Family Values, Mores, and Religion" at UCSB.

Letter from Claiborne Pell to Walter Capps. October 8, 1985. Re: Walter's LA Times article about nomination of Edward Curran to head NEH, Pell's recommendation of Walter to serve on National Council on the Humanities.

Letter from Walter Capps to Neil Smelser, and David Cooper to Walter Capps. May 15, 1986 and October 15, 1986. Re: Walter's comments on draft Smelser Report, "Lower Division Education in the University of California: A Report (1986)," and Cooper's response. [See UC Office of the President summary reports "Undergraduate Education: Discussion of the Report of the Task Force on Lower Division Education" (October 1986) and "Graduate Enrollment Planning, 1985-1986 through 2000-2001" (October 1986)]

Letter from Walter Capps to Jamil Zainaldin. July 30, 1986. Re: outline for a book on NEH-sponsored state humanities programs.

Letter from James Quay to Walter Capps. August 12, 1986. Re: Vietnam Veterans Memorial, gurus, and drill instructors. 

Letter from Joan Rabin to Walter Capps. October 20, 1986. Re: thanking Walter for presentation at UCSB Chancellor's Council event at San Ysidro Ranch.

Letter from John Lapp to Walter Capps. November 20, 1986. Re: gratitude for recommendation letter.

Letter from G. Woodson Howe to Walter Capps. February 6, 1987. Re: soliciting feedback about Omaha World-Herald article by C. David Kotok about Bob Kerrey teaching in Walter's class.

Letter from Bob Kerrey to Joan Rabin. May 20, 1987. Re: supporting nomination of Walter Capps for CASE National Professor of the Year Award.

Letters from Bob Kerrey, Steven Tigner, William Bennett, Marjorie Berlincourt, Roz Karson, Marilyn Gevirtz, David Sprecher, Janet Young to Joan Rabin. May 20, 1987 to May 28, 1987. Re: supporting nomination of Walter Capps for CASE National Professor of the Year Award.

Letter from Bob Kerrey to Walter Capps. June 10, 1987. Re: two papers, Nebraska.

Letter from Louise Hopson to Walter Capps. July 17, 1987. Re: praise for Walter's NEH summer seminar.

Letter from Temmo Korisheli to Walter Capps. August 6, 1987. Re: praise for Walter and his classes.

Letter from Bob Kerrey to Walter Capps. August 18, 1987. Re: decline invitation to celebrate Walter Capps.

Letter from Bob Kerrey to Walter Capps. n.d. [circa 1987-1990]. Re: appreciation for Walter Capps.

Benson High School Class Reunion Yearbook. n.d. 1987. Re: Class of 1952's 35 year reunion in 1987, Omaha, Nebraska. 

Letter from Jean Whitehead to Walter Capps. September 23, 1987. Re: praising a lecture Walter gave in Illinois, John Simmons, book recommendation. 

Note from Ms. Carmen to Walter Capps. September 23, 1987. Re: requesting Walter Capps to help develop ethical instruction for high school students.

Letter from Elizabeth Beams to Walter Capps. September 24, 1987. Re: Walter's appearance on "Point of View" TV program in Nebraska.

Letter from Waller Hurtt  to Walter Capps. October 4, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Edward Morgan to Walter Capps. October 4, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Mrs. A. M. Pate, Jr., to Walter Capps. October 4, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Clyde Curry Smith to Walter Capps. October 4, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Theodore Wilson to Walter Capps. October 4, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Patricia Ann Bidwell to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Eileen Canelo to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Roy Farrell to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from James Fenner to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Leroy Flynn to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from John Holladay to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Fran Huston to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Judy and Stephen Lea Vell to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Shirley McDermott to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Ralph McGehee to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from William McKeen to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Robert Michaelsen to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Tom Moon to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Jacob Neusner to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from A. Owens to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Teri Payne to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Anthony Ramos to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Stuart Richel to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Robert Tapp to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Laura Velkei to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Note from Bob Cote to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: requesting to speak in Walter's Vietnam War class.

Note from Patricia Walsh to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Frances Buckley to Walter Capps. October 6, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Lawrence Furst to Walter Capps. October 6, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Larry McGlory to Walter Capps. October 6, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Larry Patterson to Walter Capps. October 6, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Steve Vincent to Walter Capps. October 6, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Robin Wilson to Walter Capps. October 6, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Walter and Betty Wright to Walter Capps. October 6, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Note from Kenneth Davis to Walter Capps. October 6, 1987. Re: requesting Vietnam veteran speaker suggestions.

Letter from Anthony Marchione to Walter Capps. October 7, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Bill Oldbone [sp?] to Walter Capps. October 7, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Max Terral to Walter Capps. October 7, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Note from Gary Boyle to Walter Capps. October 7, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Note from Steve Wright to Walter Capps. October 7, 1987. Re: Vietnam veteran would like to attend Walter's Vietnam War class.

Note from Ron Paul to Walter Capps. October 9, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Bob Hollingsworth to Walter Capps. October 10, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from William Hunter to Walter Capps. October 10, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Note from Steve Geiger to Walter Capps. October 12, 1987. Re: inviting incarcerated Vietnam veterans to speak in Walter's Vietnam War class.

Note from John Herrera to Walter Capps. October 14, 1987. Re: creating a class like Walter's Vietnam War class.

Note from Pat Mendoza to Walter Capps. October 14, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Theo Ted Harder to Walter Capps. October 15, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Ivy McCoy to Walter Capps. October 15, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Joe Smith to Walter Capps. October 16, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Erin Sheffield to Walter Capps. October 19, 1987. Re: confirming Walter's upcoming appearance on KTIE-TV's "Gold Coast" program on Nov. 16.

Letter from Gilbert Richardson to Walter Capps. October 21, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Paul Giannone to Walter Capps. October 5, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Note from William Peterson to Walter Capps. November 4, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Donald Gerth to Walter Capps. November 10, 1987. Re: praise for Walter's program review of the Department of Humanities for CSU Sacramento.

Letter from Mildred Holt to Walter Capps. November 18, 1987. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from clergy to Walter Capps. n.d. (1987?). Re: praise for Walter's classes.

Letters from Eleanor Wimbish to Walter Capps. 1987-1990. Re: family, illness and death, Vietnam veterans; Wimbish's son was killed in Vietnam.

Letters from Wendy Wilder Larsen to Walter Capps [with photos]. February 18, 1988. Re: Wendy Wilder Larsen and Tran Thi Nga, co-authors, as guest speakers for Vietnam War course.

Letter from Bob Kerrey to Walter Capps. February 26, 1988. Re: heading to Nebraska to possibly campaign, "Voices of the Stranger" class.

Letter from Laura Gross to Walter Capps. May 23, 1988. Re: Bob Kerrey for Senate campaign.

Letter from Helen to Walter Capps. June 2, 1988. Re: family in Minnesota and Sweden.

Letters from Dan Gisel, Kathleen Jenks, Mark Weinstock, Steven Herron, Douglas Arellanes to Barbara Uehling. June 10, 1988 to June 13, 1988. Re: supporting nomination of Walter Capps for CASE National Professor of the Year Award.

Letter from Laura Gross to Walter Capps. June 29, 1988. Re: news clippings from Bob Kerrey for Senate campaign.

Letter from Bob Kerrey to Walter Capps. July 22, 1988. Re: pie in the face, missing Santa Barbara.

Letter from James Quay to Walter Capps. July 22, 1988. Re: remarks before the UC Regents in 1987 about the value of the humanities. 

Letter from Danuta to Walter Capps. September 20, 1988. Re: thanks for sending articles and help while in Santa Barbara.

Letter from Adreyaynn Marie to Walter Capps. September 27, 1988. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" episode on Vietnam War class.

Letter from Laura Gross to Walter Capps. November 10, 1988. Re: Bob Kerrey victory for U.S. Senate race. 

Letter from Laura Gross to Walter Capps. November 30, 1988. Re: Bob Kerrey for Senate campaign.

Letter from James Quay to Walter Capps. February 10, 1989. Re: possible public humanities center, Vietnam War course, copy of Quay's article "The Learning Society and the New American Legacy."

Letter from Sue Welsh to Walter Capps. March 22, 1989. Re: Immaculate Heart College Center presenting Walter Capps with the Corita Kent Peace Award.

Letter from Michelle Robrahn to Walter Capps. May 4, 1989. Re: former student reflecting on the Vietnam War course, Vietnam Memorial in Sacramento.

Letter from Lori Butler to Walter Capps. May 6, 1989. Re: praise for Walter.

Letter from Paula Bonander to Walter Capps. June 10, 1989. Re: gratitude for Walter's help.

Letter from Bob Kerrey to Walter Capps. June 22, 1989. Re: limerick by Paul Erdos, possibility of teaching a Vietnam War class at Fordham University.

Letter from Bob Kerrey to Walter Capps. June 22, 1989. Re: interview with Doan Van Toai.

Letter from Lesli Beckwith to Walter Capps. August 20, 1989. Re: praise for Walter's Vietnam class.

Letter from Eulah Laucks to Walter Capps. November 6, 1989. Re: Laucks nominated Walter for the Joseph C. Wilson Award from the Rochest Association for the United Nations.

Letter from Ruth Marek to Walter Capps. November 16, 198X (mid-to-late 1980s). Re: praise for Vietnam class.

Photos of Bob Kerrey and Walter Capps. n.d. (1980s?).

Letter from Sen. Alan Cranston to Walter Capps. February 23, 1990. Re: RS 155 Vietnam War class visiting Washington, D.C.

Letter of Recommendation from Harold Remus for Walter Capps. July 30, 1990. Re: approving Walter's application for a NEH grant to finish his book Religious Studies.

Correspondence with Philip Salois, Walter Capps, and Laurence O'Connell. February 22, 1990 to April 24, 1991. Re: National Conference of Vietnam Veteran Ministers [Nov. 6-9, 1990].

Letter from William Mahedy to Walter Capps. March 5, 1990. Re: invitation for Walter to join board of directors of Veteran to Veteran, Inc.

Letter from Laura Gross to Walter Capps. June 24, 1991. Re: copy of Senator Bob Kerrey's Jefferson-Jackson Day Speech.

Letter from Walter Capps to Colin Powell. January 28, 1992. Re: asking the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to address Walter's class during visit to Washington, D.C.

Itinerary for Walter Capps' Trip to New Hampshire. February 4-7, 1992. Re: volunteering for Kerrey for President campaign.

Postcard from Bob Kerrey to Walter Capps. April 14, 1992. Re: postcard from Moscow trip at end of Cold War.

Letters and News Clippings from Mitch Kincannon to Walter Capps. May 19, 1992; clippings from 9/29/1991 and 6/28/1992. Re: Mitch Kincannon, a local AIDS activist, as guest speaker for Voices of the Stranger.

Letters from Santa Barbara Mental Health Association to Walter Capps. June 2, 1992. Re: including people with mental illness in ID 150 Voices of the Stranger class.

Correspondence with Kjell Lejon and Walter Capps. September 30, 1992 to September 10, 1994. re: Walter's visit to Uppsala, Sweden; joint publication on Anders Nygren; friendship.

Letter from Cathy Delorens to Walter Capps. February 20, 1993. Re: thanking Walter for book, sending photo from Shad Meshad of Walter in Vietnam.

Letter from Henry Dale Jennings to Walter Capps. July 26, 1993. Re: Vietnam Vet met Walter's former student in Vietnam, filmed video of the Dega/Montagnard people.

Letter from Aage Knudsen to Walter Capps. July 28, 1993. Re: Walter's article on N. F. S. Grundtvig. 

Letter from Robyn Tell to Walter Capps. January 20, 1994. Re: former student praises Voices of the Stranger and D.C. capital internship program.

Letter from Jean Hood to Walter Capps. February 10, 1994. Re: thanking Walter for talking with Senator Bob Kerrey in support of the Nebraska Humanities Council.

Letter from Reza Garajedaghi to Walter Capps. n.d., 1994. Re: Walter's 1994 congressional campaign.

Letters from Walter Capps to Harry S. Ashmore. April 6, 1994 to March 11, 1997. Re: thanking Harry for campaign contributions.

Letter from Sharon Parker to Walter Capps. May 16, 1994. Re: CBS "60 Minutes" story on Vietnam War course, including entry level separations veterans in the course.

Letter from Frank Mastropolo to Walter Capps. October 21, 1994. Re: appreciation that Walter provided ABC News with video of Dan Gisel.

Correspondence with Marianne Williamson. February 20, 1995 to after March 16, 1995. Re: Williamson's writings.

Letter from Walter Capps to Scott Wilson. May 1, 1995. Re: Walter's travels and announcing his 1996 congressional campaign.

Letter from Robert N. Bellah to Walter Capps. January 19, 1996. Re: family, teaching, and Walter's 1996 congressional campaign.

Letter from Walter Capps to Ted Berkman. June 21, 1997. Re: most-favored nation status for China. 

Business Card. [c. 1990]


Political Campaign Materials

Campaign materials and letters to Charles and Elizabeth Storke. May 18, 1994 to December 15, 1998.

Capps campaign photograph. 1996.

Capps for Congress button. 1996.

Capps for Congress flag. 1996.

Capps for Congress flier. 1996.

Capps for Congress poster. 1996.

Capps campaign fundraising letter. August 14, 1996.

"Walter Capps' Manifesto." Fall 1995.

"Walter Capps' Views on Immigration." n.d. (1995?).

"Walter Capps Closing Statement, League of Women Voters Debate." October 7, 1996.

Congressman Walter Capps: Keeping in Touch. July 1997.

Congressman Walter Capps: Keeping in Touch. September 1997.

"Selected Congressional Accomplishments, U.S. Representative Walter Capps." n.d. (1997).


Congressional Materials

Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations for 1985: Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, 98th Congress, 2nd Session, January, 1985. [Walter Capps testimony in support of NEH funding for state humanities councils, April 12, 1984]

U.S.-Vietnam Relations: Hearing before the Subcommittees on Asia and the Pacific of the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, 105th Congress, 1st Session, June 18, 1997.