Event Date:
The Capps Center invites you to join us for a two-part Presidential Election event. As Americans go to the polls to elect the next President of the United States, we will ask a panel of engaged undergraduate and graduate students about the issues that drive their electoral decisions. Which issues do they find most pressing? Which concerns inform their choice of candidate? And, no matter the outcome of the 2020 election, how will students hold to account the victorious candidate? How will they work to realize the agendas that shaped their voiting, if their candidate wins, or if their candidate does not win?
Both events will take place on Zoom. Doors open ten minutes prior to the start.
Register here for October 26, "What Students Want": https://ucsb.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UNGY6-JRQSGKG_JBl9Xuyg
r November 10, "Where Do We Go From Here?"